Tech Info >> Halogen Bulb Shootout: The Good, the Blue, and the UGLY > Page | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Page Three: The UGLY We've already seen the performers. The cream of the crop. Now, lets take a look at some of the uglier bulbs being sold.
Note, the above images of the OE bulb setup are shown at the top of each page for your reference.
Apparently, replica versions of the highly praised Cibie e-code H4 headlamps DO exist. We found one and its made in Brazil. A quick comparison with the authentic Cibie headlamp's lighting pattern will show various flaws; inferior lighting performance with diminished light output. Stay tuned for a future article, which will show the differences between OE, Aftermarket, and Replica products. We just wanted to share and let readers know that replicas DO exist (and very much suck). Remember, always buy authentic parts and support reputable vendors! We work hard for our money, don't gyp us. :-)
You really wanted to see it, didnt you? That mysterious bi-xenon H4, dual rebased capsule, made in China doorstop. Why? It's not proof enough for you that rebased HID retrofit kits are not DOT-compliant and have been banned for sale in the US by the NHTSA. Or that no reputable manufacturer offers such kits because they understand that these are flawed products, and that their liability is at risk for selling garbage. But no, you consumers just LOVE giving your precious, hard-earned money away. Especially when it comes to pretty blue and purple lights, right? Well, here you go - enjoy the above photos, they're all yours. Lets look at the facts. The only vendors that sell such garbage are fly-by-night companies on e-bay, or vendors that care more about profit than they do about safety. Either that, or they just dont understand lighting - which is why they probably sell blue-coated bulbs too! Because rebased HID kits have been banned, these kits are now being sold for rock bottom prices. If you think this type of lighting is an improvement, you're wrong. God this crap is hiddeous, click over to the next page already! Continue to Next Page